Thursday, August 10, 2006


ahh. feel quite sick today. sick enough to make my mum forbid me from going to train today. gahh. maybe i'll go on saturday. i have to go already. kaswin like told me he signed me up. whee. so now there is no turning back unless if i want to end up being a g -ahem- g -ahem- y -ahem-. did i say anything? nvm.
and i was finally persuaded to wear my watch to school. haha. i sorta bought it last year when my old one spoilt. but i just didnt use it. dono why. but i got used to the no watch feeling on my arm. now it just feels weighed down.

and before i forget. when i actually give advice, the whole word (or maybe to whom it may concern, should just stop and listen) i mean, like how often is it that i do that? haha. maybe its because people dont really take me too seriously enough and thats mostly my fault. hee. but ohwell. i'm at it again. i dono if this person deserves it after what he has done to me for the whole year. we'll see if he responds positively. whee.

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